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Название игры Приставка
B.O.BSega Megadrive 2
Back to the Future 3Sega Megadrive 2
Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at HomePlaystation 2
Backyard Wrestling: Dont Try This at HomeXbox
Bad Boys: Miami TakedownXbox
Bad OmenSega Megadrive 2
Bakuretsu HunterPlaystation
Baldur's Gate Dark AlliancePlaystation 2
Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceXbox
Baldy LandPlaystation
Ballblazer ChampionsPlaystation
Ballz - The Directors Cut3DO
Ballz 3-DSuper Nintendo
Bankshot Billiards 2Xbox 360
Barbie ExplorerPlaystation
Barbie Race & RidePlaystation
Barkley Shut Up and JamSega Megadrive 2
Barkley Shut Up and Jam 2Sega Megadrive 2
Bases Loaded 96Playstation
Bass Masters ClassicSuper Nintendo
BatmanSega Megadrive 2
Batman & RobinPlaystation
Batman and RobinSega Megadrive 2
Batman Battlestar GalacticaPlaystation 2
Batman BeginsPlaystation 2
Batman ForeverPlaystation
Batman ForeverSuper Nintendo
Batman ForeverSega Megadrive 2
Batman ReturnsSuper Nintendo
Batman ReturnsDendy
Batman ReturnsSega Megadrive 2
Batman VengeancePlaystation 2
Batman: Dark TomorrowXbox
Batman: Return of The JokerDendy
Batman: Revenge of The JockerSega Megadrive 2
Batman: VengeanceXbox
Battle Arena: ToshindenPlaystation
Battle Arena: Toshinden 2Playstation
Battle Arena: Toshinden 3Playstation
Battle Arena: Toshinden 4Playstation
Battle CarsSuper Nintendo
Battle CityDendy
Battle ClashSuper Nintendo
Battle Engine AquilaXbox
Battle StationPlaystation
Battle Tank: Global AssaultPlaystation
BattleBlazeSuper Nintendo
Battlefield 2: Modern CombatXbox
Battlestar GalacticaXbox
BattletechSega Megadrive 2
BattletechSuper Nintendo
BattletoadsSega Megadrive 2
Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate TeamSuper Nintendo
Battletoads and Double DragonSega Megadrive 2
Battletoads and Double Dragon: The Ultimate TeamDendy
Battletoads In BattlemaniacsSuper Nintendo
Beast Wars: TransformersPlaystation
Beast Wars: TransmetalsPlaystation
Beast WrestlerSega Megadrive 2
Beatmania: 2nd MixPlaystation
Beauty and the BeastSega Megadrive 2
Beavis And Butt-headSuper Nintendo
Beavis and Butt-HeadSega Megadrive 2
BeethovenSuper Nintendo
Bejeweled 2 DeluxeXbox 360
Best of the BestDendy
Best of the Best Championship KarateSega Megadrive 2
Best Of The Best: Championship KarateSuper Nintendo
Beyond Good & EvilPlaystation 2
Beyond The BeyondPlaystation
Big AirPlaystation
Big Mutha TruckersPlaystation 2
Big RunSuper Nintendo
Biker Mice From MarsSuper Nintendo
Bill Elliot's Super NASCARSuper Nintendo
Bio FreaksPlaystation
Bio HazardPlaystation
Bio Hazard 3Playstation
Bio-Hazard Battle (Crying)Sega Megadrive 2
Black & BruisedPlaystation 2
Black DawnPlaystation
Black Hole AssaultSega Megadrive 2
BlackthorneSuper Nintendo
Blade 2Xbox
Blade 2Playstation 2
Blade Force3DO
Blast RadiusPlaystation
Blaze & Blade: Eternal QuestPlaystation
Blazing DragonsPlaystation
Blazing SkiesSuper Nintendo
Bleach: Heat the SoulPSP
Blinx: The Time SweeperXbox
Blood LinesPlaystation
Blood Omen 2Playstation 2
Blood Omen: Legacy of KainPlaystation
Blood WakeXbox
BloodRaynePlaystation 2
BloodRayne 2Xbox
BloodshotSega Megadrive 2
Bloody RoarPlaystation
Bloody Roar 2Playstation
Bloody Roar 4Playstation 2
Bloody Roar ExtremeXbox
BlowOutPlaystation 2
BMX XXXPlaystation 2
Bogey Dead 6Playstation
Bomberman Fantasy RacePlaystation
Bomberman WorldPlaystation
Boogerman - A Pick and Flick AdventurenSuper Nintendo
Boogerman A Pick Flick AdventureSega Megadrive 2
Boy Soccer Team 3Sega Megadrive 2
BrandishSuper Nintendo
Brawl BrothersSuper Nintendo
Breath of Fire 3Playstation
Breath of Fire 4Playstation
Brett Hull HockeySuper Nintendo
Brett Hull Hockey '95Sega Megadrive 2
Brian Lara's CricketPlaystation
Broken HelixPlaystation
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30Playstation 2
Bruce Lee: Quest of the DragonXbox
Brutal Paws of FurySega Megadrive 2
Brutal: Paws Of FurySuper Nintendo
Brute ForceXbox
Bubba'n'StixSega Megadrive 2
Bubble BobblePlaystation
Bubble SqueakSega Megadrive 2
BubsySuper Nintendo
Bubsy 2Super Nintendo
Bubsy 2 Defines DelaysSega Megadrive 2
Bubsy 3DPlaystation
Buffy The Vampire SlayerXbox
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos BleedsXbox
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos BleedsPlaystation 2
Bugs Bunny: Crazy CastleDendy
Bugs Bunny: Lost in TimePlaystation
Bulls vs BlasersSega Megadrive 2
Bulls vs. Lakers and the NBA PlayoffsSega Megadrive 2
Burai FighterDendy
Burning ForceSega Megadrive 2
Burning RoadPlaystation
Burning Soldier3DO
Burnout 2: Point of ImpactPlaystation 2
Burnout 2: Point of ImpactXbox
Burnout 3: TakedownXbox
Burnout 3: TakedownPlaystation 2
Burnout LegendsPSP
Burnout: RevengeXbox
Burnout: RevengePlaystation 2
Bushido Blade 2Playstation
Bust-A-MoveSuper Nintendo
Bust-a-Move 2Playstation
Bust-a-Move 4Playstation
Bust-a-Move 99Playstation
Buster Brothers CollectionPlaystation
Buster Douglas BoxingSega Megadrive 2

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